Do this by using the onscreen keyboard and the remote control. To proceed with the installation, you may need to enter your Apple ID password.

Begin the installation by highlighting the button and clicking the touchpad. If the app is paid, you’ll see a price instead of the Install button. At this screen, you’ll need to click the Install button.Search for the app you want to install, highlight it and then view the detail screen for it by clicking the touchpad.Here’s a short guide on how you can download apps on apple tv and install them. It’s true that the operating system is a bit different and this means the installation process also differs. When it comes to installing the apps on your device, it’s as simple as installing them on your iPad or iPhone.

Can you do that? Fortunately, the answer is yes! The 4th Gen Apple TV was introduced in late 2015 and as Tim Cook said at the time, the TV was built around the idea that applications are the future of TV. Okay, so you have a 4th Gen Apple TV and you would like to add apps to apple tv.